

How many will it take in human form to forgive the atrocities of the past in order for love to be reborn in human relations?  It will take as many as needed to release all karma incurred in 50,000 years (200,000 human years) of falls in consciousness of your species.  Some of the karma cannot release here upon earth as the individuals at cause were from another creation.  The karma of the Anu cannot be released here; the Anu consciousness and all karma associated is being bundled up at this time, and those related will return with it to the Pleiades to settle the original cause.  One can only settle the karma upon earth if it occurred upon earth.


Although the original cause of human violence cannot be settled upon earth, all the times that these patterns repeated in three other eras can be released.  This is what the map carvers of ascension are working upon; releasing the karma for three eras of violence, one of which occurred in Ancient Egypt 18,000 years ago in the era of the Pharaohs (72,000 human years); another which occurred in Atlantis 10,000 years ago (40,000 human years); along with the current era of violence underway.  These are the key eras that set the stage to the current state of human life; as the karma for all three of these eras has been erased and transcended by a few mastering their upper initiations in this lifetime, the dream for humanity can be recast.  The new human dream will be one of unity, joy, forgiveness and peace; this is the birth of the golden era that many prophets have predicted.  This future dream will only manifest if enough release the karma that would create a different future otherwise.


  • 留言者: Simple828
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  • 日期: 2007-12-14 08:14:59







stay young forever...


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